Simplest way to host & share documents.

Host documents and share them securely within the organisation or with an external audience.

What makes DocShare secure?

Rich Text Editor

You have an easy & familiar rich text editor to create stunning documents.

Upload Documents

You can upload your existing PDF documents from your local system.

Easy Organizing

Organize documents in folders. Easily copy/move documents across folders.

Multiple URLs

Create multiple URLs for a single document. All controls are at the URL level.

Restrict Download

You can restrict the download access at an individual URL level.

Verify Viewers

You can perform email verification before providing them access to the document.

Share Anywhere

Get a dedicated short URL for your folders and documents. Share them anywhere.

Password Protected

You can configure the password on folders and documents to restrict the access.


We use secure network and encrypt the files to safeguard your account.

Your documents will look great, without you having to do the work. And we'll manage all your documents for you.

Create your free account now or contact us.